In some individuals, the consumption of green tea containing a high concentration of caffeine can cause various symptoms. These signs usually appear quickly after having ingested the drink. In some cases, these side effects can last for a long time yet if the concentration of caffeine is high. Each individuals presents a degree of different sensitivity which may vary considerably over time. Some hobbyists of tea do feel the first signs of discomfort that with a large quantity of tea while other people are uncomfortable at the first or second cup of green tea. The researchers have also discovered that, in general, women are more sensitive to caffeine than men, because caffeine is degraded more slowly by their agency.
Here is a list of possible symptoms:
·         Nervousness
·         Agitation
·         Slight vertigo
·         Insomnia
·         Tachycardia - Arrhythmia
·         Sensitivity in the chest for women
·         Sensation of drought, Thirst
·         Skin Irritation
·         Diuretic Effect
·         Digestive Discomfort
·         Worsening of symptoms, in cases of illness

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