Vitamin D also plays an important role at the level of the os (prevention of osteoporosis).  In effect, it helps in the absorption of calcium intestinal tract therefore helps to the bone health. She also plays roles at the level of metabolism. Recently, according to some studies, he also recognizes a role (more studies are needed) at the level of the immune system as well as in prevention of certain cancers.
Vitamin D is mainly synthesized by the skin under the action of UVB rays of the sun. The use of sun cream, the skin darker and live of the Nordic countries are elements which may limit the skin synthesis of vitamin D. For example, in Quebec, from November to March the synthesis of Vitamin D by the skin is greatly diminished. The fact to expose themselves to the sun during this period does not allow to fill the needs in vitamin D. our only source of vitamin D is then the power supply.
An adult, before age 50, should consume 200 IU (International Units) of vitamin D. After 50 years, the recommendation is 400 IU and 600 iu after 70 years. What are the main recommendations of Health Canada. There are other recommendations, among others, of the Canadian Cancer Society which council of consume 1000 IU  of vitamin D per day for the prevention of certain cancers (cancer colorectale among others).  For my part, I think that every adult should consume at least 400 IU of vitamin D per day. This contribution is not reached among a large number of adults, therefore it is a good objective of departure.

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