Normally, we believe that the only sources of calcium are milk and its derivatives. But this is not the case, knowing that there are other sources of calcium of plant origin. There are cases where these sources provide calcium of easy absorption compared to that present in milk and its derivatives.
Spinach, green cabbage of Milan, the onion and the Cresson are vegetables very rich in calcium, but there are others such as seaweed, cardoons and the broccoli.
See examples of légumes riches en calcium.
The chick peas, white beans, lentils and soybeans are dried vegetables rich in calcium.
Dried fruits are also of foods of plant origin rich in calcium. This is the case of walnuts, almonds and pistachios for example.
See examples of fruits riches en calcium.
Among the foods of animal origin, there are many sources of calcium. Milk and its derivatives are not the only sources of calcium, otherwise the more known.
For a long time, we know that the milk and its derivatives are foods very rich in calcium. The yoghurt and cheese are examples of derivatives of milk rich in this mineral.
See more information on le lait et le calcium.
The eggs are a food present in most regimes around the world. They are very rich in calcium, but especially in their shell.
See more information on le calcium dans les œufs.
Many types of fish are rich in calcium, like anchovy, sardines, sole or salmon. The crustaceans also. The lobster and shrimp are for example very rich in calcium. We must not forget other foods that are rich, as the octopus, mussels, oysters or combs.

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