Exciting or tranquilizers? Each food fried by caused a chain reaction in our body to promote our slumber or, on the contrary, keep us awake. That eat to sleep well?

First and foremost, it is important to have dinner before going to bed to avoid nocturnal cramps that can cause the alarm clock. Thus, it is not advisable to eat too much and do not eat too heavy. It must be also dinner at least 1h30 before the time of sunset. In effect, our body cannot fall asleep that at a certain temperature. However, the digestion, by increasing the body heat, puts at risk the process of sleep. Logical result, a gargantuan feast as well as rich foods will be heavier, therefore longer to digest.

- To sleep well, better focus on vegetables and fish steam, this lightweight cooking not weighing on the stomach. Attention however, some vegetables to the long fermentation as the cabbage or cauliflower are strongly discouraged because they lengthen considerably the time of digestion.
- It has been proven that the dairy products play a beneficial role on sleep. In effect, they contain an amino acid,  tryptophan, which is synthesized by serotonin, a hormone which controls the state of vigilance, favoring the drowsiness.
- Concerning the fruit, it is important to avoid those that contain vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi ... ) because the latter is an exciting natural. Prefer an apple or a pear.
- The slow sugars would also encourage the sleep. Not because of the sensation of satiety felt after their absorption, but thanks to the insulin that they contain, which aid in the production of serotonin.
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