The vitamins and Benefits:

The apricot is one of the finest fruits rich in vitamin A, or its orange color. It is recommended for pregnant women and smoking. Vitamin A is that of the skin by excellence: it facilitates the tanning, the protects of ultra violet  and external aggression. It also improves night vision.
Provided in B vitamins (0.96mg/ 100g), iron (0.54mg/ 100g), fiber (1.9g/ 100g) but also in phosphate and magnesium (8mg/ 100g), the apricot fortified the os, regenerates the tissue and promotes the intellectual vascular training : weight training of the nervous system.
Its mineral salts and trace elements (600mg/ 100g) are essential to the efforts of the sportsmen. To record the amazing quantity of potassium that contains this fruit either 315mg/ 100g.
Sip of water (86 % ), the apricot is a real stimulus of gastric secretions: put in puree, it is particularly advisable for the babies.
The apricot is provided of vitamins C (10mg/ 100g), PP, sugars, proteins and lipids. Scientific studies have demonstrated the benefits of this fruit against the oxidation of our cells. A daily consumption of 200g of apricots then reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases but also of other diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
Promoting the multiplication of red blood corpuscles, he is an asset against anemia. The apricot nursed the rheumatism, the evils of ears, nasal pain, hemorrhoids and is an antidepressant.
To note that it emerged more vitamins when it is well mature. The ideal is to consume 3 per day to cover half of our needs in carotene.

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