What are our water needs?
The water needs vary from one individual to another and also depend on our physical activity and of our age. The average is 2.5 liters per day a good part of which is provided by our power. He must drink regularly throughout the day in small doses to achieve a goal of 1.5 liter per day. The quantity gulped down will be more important in an athlete that will eliminate a lot more water than at rest. Then it is recommended to drink half a liter of water before the effort, to continue to drink during the sporting activity to drink and new a half-liter of water after to avoid any muscular problem. Pregnant women were also need more water, because the amniotic fluid in which bathes the fetus must be renewed.

What water choose?

We have the choice between the tap water, source water or mineral water. What is the difference between these three waters?
Source water and mineral water are distinguished by two fundamental criteria: whereas the natural mineral water has a stable composition in minerals and trace elements , the composition of the source water is variable. They all come from the two groundwater protected and contain less than 10 mg of nitrate per liter. They are devoid of bacteria. The tap water has a composition in nitrates often more important. It is also recommended that you do not exceed the threshold of 15mg/liter. In contrast, the health standards are very strict. Despite everything, we must always let the water run from the tap a few seconds in order to avoid the traces of metals such as lead, which can be found in the pipes. The presence of the chlorine may also offend some people, but this can be remedied by using a special pitcher to filter water.
Drinking water is a simple gesture and absolutely not binding which you will avoid to have secondary effects more or less unpleasant. The water remains the best way to moisturize even if it is tempting in summer you want to consume fresh fruit juices or sodas. In all cases, the alcohol is to be prohibited, it has a dehydrating effect.

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