The regular consumption of cucumber contributes to detoxification of the body
Thanks to its high content of water, the cucumber contributes to the detoxification of the body and to the rapid elimination of accumulated toxins. For optimal effect, add in a jug filled with water  1 or 2 slices of cucumber.
The water of cucumber stimulates the combustion of fats and the retention of water in the body, both by the effective hydration of tissues, and due to potassium, it is as an electrolyte which improves lymphatic circulation.

The cucumber fight against the identified and it improves the tonus of the skin
The cucumbers are the basic ingredients in many cosmetic products because of vitamins and antioxidants which are found in their content. To enlighten and revive the skin, you can prepare the masks to basis of fresh cucumbers. Similarly, if you have identified caused by fatigue or by the lack of sleep, you can put a slice of cucumber on the eyes.
The cucumber reduces the risk of cancer
Antioxidants of the cucumber are designed to reduce the risk of cancer and to prevent the spread of the tumor.
The cucumber control blood pressure
If you suffer from high blood pressure, it is recommended to eat regularly of cucumbers. Magnesium, potassium and dietary fiber which are located in the cucumber contribute effectively to regulate blood pressure and to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Similarly, silicon, vitamin A, vitamin E and other vitamins and minerals which are located in the cucumber contribute effectively to the growth and regrowth of hair.

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