1 - A drug psycho active

According to a study by the University of Melbourne (Australia), , relayée par le Daily Mailthe caffeine would be "drugs psycho active the more commonly used" throughout the world. A high dose, more than five cups per day, the coffee could cause auditory hallucinations, and even make sense the presence of things that do not exist.

2 - Dangerous for the liver

According to several studies carried out par l’Institut national du diabète et des maladies digestives et rénales, drinking too much coffee can impair the proper functioning of the liver. This is particularly true if one follows a regular medical treatment against the pain. Conversely, scientists have observed that a moderate consumption of coffee is associated with a reduced risk of primary sclerosing cholangitis (CSP), an auto-immune disease of the liver, responsible of cirrhosis, liver failure and cancer of the bile ducts.

3 - Bad for the blood pressure

This is evident from a study menée par l'université Carnegie Mellon. This also explains why the coffee can stimulate the court and cause difficulty breathing.

4 - Of The consequences on the behavior

Drinking too much coffee can make irrational and irritable. The breathing difficulties caused by an excess of caffeine can interfere with the oxygenation of the brain, and therefore undermine the decision-making process.

5 - A factor of insomnia

The coffee was, of course, not the same effect on everyone. Some people can drink an espresso  just before going to bed and sleeping as of dormice, while others could not close the eye after drinking a coffee after 16h. On average, the effect of the coffee lasts six hours.

6 - Also adductif that a drug

According to a study conducted by John Hopkins University ( USA ), , relayée par Forbesthe lack of caffeine reduce the cognitive performance and has a negative impact on mood. Only solution to return "to normal": feed the vicious circle and drinking coffee. In addition, caffeine is a stimulant rather low which does that restore momentarily a certain level of arousal when you are tired.

7 - Headache

When it is "drop in" and that there has not been drinking coffee for a long time (between 12 and 24 hours), this may give poorly to the skull according to une étude menée par l’American Heart Association (the caffeine tightens the blood vessels dilated).

8 - Depressed

This happens sometimes when there is lack of caffeine. We can add to this symptom anxiety, and of course the fatigue and drowsiness.

9 - Risk of osteoporosis

This is the conclusion of a study par l'université de l’Oregon ( USA ).  To avoid this disease of os, better make sure that you have enough calcium and vitamin D, and limit its consumption of coffee to three cups per day. This is particularly true for the elderly.

10 - Urinary Leakage

Plusieurs études Have shown that drinking too much coffee can exacerbate bladder problems that already existed.

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