Why does one become diabetic?
Diabetes is due to overeating. Individuals with diabetes eat in effect too in relation to their needs and to their energy costs and are therefore too big. The power supply is not the only reason, genetic factors are also important. In effect, all the people too big are not diabetics, this disease occurs only among people who are predisposed.
Since 50 years, diabetics are more and more numerous, why? Because we eat too much and that we do not spend enough. The treatment of diabetes is then logical: to spend more and eat less, in fact especially eat better by avoiding the mistakes which font take kilos, over the years, without even noticing it. This effective treatment is simple, but difficult to implement in practice, because it needed to change its behavior. Yet, in losing a few pounds, the rate of sugar may return to normal.
With regard to spending more, again the councils are not complicated. The most simple is to learn to walk: for those who live in the city down a subway station before the destination and finish on foot for example, to the go as the return. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalators and the weekend schedule a time to market on Saturday and Sunday. Swimming or biking are also excellent. We know that 45 minutes of market per day are very beneficial to health.
What are the dietary errors to avoid?
We eat too much fat and not enough of sugars. Where are the fats? In butter, cheese, dairy products integers, the deli meats, pastries. Choose dairy products semi-skimmed milk. Some sugars are to avoid but not necessarily completely: Limit your consumption of sodas, sweets and confectionery, as well as alcoholic beverages. On the other hand, do not hesitate eat rice, pasta, but there not add systematically of butter, cream or Gruyere cheese! These foods (starches) contain sugar and the latter must represent approximately half of the calories of your power supply. Do not hesitate to eat dried vegetables, potatoes, bread, and fruit at the end of the meal.
Therefore, you need sugar. The ideal is to consult a dietician who will teach you to eat differently, respecting your tastes.

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