*Avoid the
more possible to buy prepared meals. In a general way, try you turn to food
that has been the least possible processed. For example, choose fresh
vegetables, or even frozen, rather than preserved, buy oatmeal natural rather than
oatmeal flavored, etc.
*Stay away
of condiments of trade, often very rich in sodium. Of course, when you cook,
add the less salt as possible with food. To enhance the taste of your dishes,
try to use spices or herbs. You can even discover new flavors that you will
quickly forget what you leave behind!
read the labels of the products you buy. Often, the sodium content of the food
will be indicated. In general, try to buy the food which the list of
ingredients is the shortest possible. Several companies now offer products low
in sodium which can be a good option if you do not always have the time to cook
smoking! You will taste much better food and no longer need to add salt to an
have indicated that vitamin C could be a natural antidote to the evils of salt.
If you have difficulty to reduce your consumption of salt for the time being,
do not skimp on your consumption of citrus fruit!
*It is
possible to reduce easily its salt consumption, provided that the us to be a little
careful. As you will remember, even if your health is good for the moment and
that you do not suffer from high blood pressure or other health problems, the
effects of the abuse of sodium may take several years before to manifest
itself. It is never too early to make attention to her body. Prevention
is better than cure!