Eat more vegetarian might it not be a nice gift to make us, to offer our entourage and the planet?
To regain our balance staff physical and psychological, a suitable power supply to our metabolism, our wishes for harmony individual, family and social, the decrease of our consumption of meat for the benefit of healthy products and biological, is an opening toward a healthy life and partageuse.

A vegetarian diet well balanced allows you to maintain good health and reduces the risk very prevalent in our society: cardiovascular diseases, cancers and cerebrovascular accidents. The American dietetic association indicates that "vegetarians are less prone to cardiovascular problems, have lower rates in cholesterol, have fewer problems with high blood pressure, diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer" and that vegetarians are less prone to problems of obesity .
A vegetarian diet well balanced provides all the necessary nutrients, without the saturated fat, cholesterol ... that can be found in the flesh of animals, eggs or dairy products.
Research has shown that vegetarians can reduce by half the heart disease, and 40 per cent some cancers. The people eating meat have 9 times greater risk of having problems of obesity that the vegans.

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