To regain the line after the birth of your baby, follow the slimming program proposed . 
For a good regime after childbirth  ! Slim Down , such is the secret of the program proposed to lose weight after the birth of your baby. 
Here is the daily menu ideal for a regime after childbirth. 

The breakfast: 
  • - bread to the cereals with a bit of butter for vitamin A and jam little sweet ; 
  • - a dairy product; 
  • - a fruit; 
  • - a hot drink. 
  • - vegetables cooked or raw; 
  • - of meat or fish;
  • - the starchy foods natures (rice, pasta, quinoa ... ) ; 
  • - olive oil and/or canola seed and fresh herbs for seasoning. 
For the small hunger: 
  • - a square of dark chocolate (less fat, less sugar and more rich in antioxyants that the other chocolates) or a yogurt or an apple. 
  • - vegetables cooked or raw; 
  • - of meat or fish; 
  • - a slice of bread ; 
  • - a dessert (curds are then drained or fruit). 
The drink to favor rest the water flat. Avoid carbonated beverages, often more rich in salt. To cut hunger, you can begin each meal by a large glass of water to which you've added 3-4 drops of fresh lemon juice. This regime after childbirth should, if it is properly applied, works fairly quickly.

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