The blood glucose is the disease the more diffused in the world, many people are suffering, and the healing of this phenomenon is linked precisely to the behaviors that should be common to all persons such as the nutrition of the body of certain foods such as this that we will quote after in this article and some sports as well as some places to avoid ...


Increase your consumption of vegetables:

The vegetables do little increase blood glucose and are low-calorie. In fact, of all the food groups, they are the most nutrient-rich and less caloric. More you will consume, the less you'll have of appetite for food less healthy and more caloric. 

Exception to this rule are the vegetables starchy foods such as potatoes, corn, peas and squash, that it should not delete for as much. In fact, it is better consume its starchy foods in the form of vegetables, because they provide more vitamins, minerals and fibers that bread or pasta processed and that some grains.

By contrast, you can consume as much vegetables non starchy foods as you want. Aim to take at least three to five servings per day. 

Don't overlook the bold:

The gras are essential to the health of cells. They also play an important role in the support of diabetes because they contribute to the feeling of satiety. However, it must avoid consuming too much at the risk that they will accumulate in the form of grease on the hips. The key here, it is the quality and moderation. Here are a few suggestions:
          +Add a tablespoon of fruit to Hull, especially the almond or the walnuts, in salads, soups or the main dish.
          +Replace the salad dressings meager by a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of aromatic vinegar.
          +Add a slice or two of lawyer in the sandwiches or omelets.

Eat to heal:

Many natural foods are rich in micronutrients, organic substances possessing powers extraordinary curative and contributing to the organization of many blessings. As diabetes can increase the risk of high cholesterol levels, heart disease, kidney disorders and hypertension, it is important to consume foods that will help to prevent these problems. Here are a few examples:
                   * Garlic lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
                   * The red wine could help prevent heart disease. However, as the regular consumption of alcohol is not necessarily indicated for diabetics, take rather a portion of red grapes or a small glass of grape juice, which will provide the same benefits, alcohol in less.
                   * It has been proven that the consumption of oat groats, grain rich in soluble fiber, lower the level of cholesterol.
                   * Lutein, substance phyto-chemical present in spinach and other vegetables to dark green leaves, contributed to combat macular degeneration, a major cause of unrest of the view.

Drink water regularly:

Water regulates the body temperature, vehicle the nutrients and oxygen, eliminates waste, helps to detoxify the kidneys and liver, dissolves the vitamins and minerals, and protects the body against injury. Even a slight dehydration can cause health problems, such as fatigue and constipation. The results of some studies also indicate that the consumption of adequate quantities of water could contribute to prevent certain diseases, for example kidney stones, and would be associated with a lower incidence of cancer of the colon.

Pure water is the best drink, but milk, fruit juices, fruit, and vegetables aqueous, soups, and the decaffeinated tea also contribute to moisturize the body. However Attention to calories that provide some of these drinks. As for the drinks like caffeinated drinks or alcoholic, we cannot consider them as useful: they act as diuretics and, therefore, increase the excretion of fluids.

To avoid the deficit of liquids, always keep on hand bottles and jugs of water. And do not wait until you are thirsty to drink because, at this stage, it may be that you're already dehydrated. In case of doubt, swallow another glass. In addition, you must increase your water consumption in certain situations, for example when the temperature is hot, wet or cold, or in altitude. 

Eat more often:

In other words, instead of taking three big meals a day, take it in smaller and add a few healthy snacks. The results of studies indicate that by redistributing the ingestion of food throughout the day, not only stabilized there her blood sugar level, but it can also bring down its rate of cholesterol. Of course, each person is unique and the nature of your diabetes will dictate the frequency at which you should eat. Consult a registered dietician to develop a plan to use to allocate your food consumption throughout the day.

Eat with those you love:

As well, you will share the dishes. Get in the habit, in the restaurant in particular, to share the entries and the appetizers, and order a tasting menu. The reason is that, in the restaurant, the portions are usually huge. By sharing the dishes at several, you can enjoy a multitude of flavors without committing an excess. Not only is this good for your line, but by eating on a regular basis, neither too much nor not enough, all the days, your blood sugar levels will remain more stable. 

A dual approach:

There is no such a thing as a single regime for diabetics. Virtua

lly all foods agree to even that many ways to plan his meals and snacks as well, it is not necessary for you to abstain entirely of sugar or restrict the bold to the minimum. You can eat in the restaurant, opt for vegetarianism and enjoy the festive meals. Just keep in mind that you must be sure to stabilize your blood sugar levels by consuming a good variety of foods rich in nutrients.

You will increase your chances of success by having recourse to a dual approach: pay attention to what you eat and the quantities that you boil it. Base your plan on healthy foods to eat in moderate amounts but equal from one day to another, and do not skip meals. If you follow these basic principles, your food will be delicious while contributing to your long-term health.

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